Technical Threads (Schappe)

Windsor Trading is the exclusive distributor in Australia for Schappe, the France-based manufacturer of fire retardant (FR) and associated technical threads. Schappe is a global leader in the production of long-staple threads and related yarns for specialised applications, producing both meta-aramid (Nomex/Conex) and para-aramid (Kevlar/Twaron) threads. Featuring an extremely high melting point, these threads are most typically used in the manufacture of fire-fighting uniforms, protective clothing, filtration, and body armour. Other technical threads are available on request.


Schappe’s Meta-Aramid threads, carrying the Nomex and Conex brands, are available in a range of colours and provide resistance to extreme temperatures, abrasion and chemical degradation.

Available Counts:

  • Nomex 70/2, 70/3, 40/3
  • Conex 85/2, 85/3, 50/3


Schappe’s Para-Aramid threads, which carry the Twaron and Kevlar brands, have unmatched tensile strength.

Available Counts:

  • Kevlar 50/2, 50/3, 50/4
  • Twaron 60/2, 60/3, 60/4


  • Protective clothing
  • Filtration
  • Insulation
  • Body armour

For more information, please contact us or visit

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